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    What have you done to significantly improve your conditioning

    @mommamimi Me too! Anytime I see burpees or light weight plyo in the workout I’m like 😏. The shuttle runs on Friday night were so much fun and offered some respite from the damn pull ups!
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    How to improve my cardio?

    @kara1991 I’m shocked I don’t see this response yet - ya gotta do more cardio, period. I would recommend 30 minute sessions minimum of 5 days a week, gradually increasing to 45 min, then 60 min. Specificity is a main tenet of fitness: in order to get better at something, do more of it!
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    ISO CrossFit podcasts w/interviews

    @godsdaughter Thank you, this is extremely helpful!
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    ISO CrossFit podcasts w/interviews

    I’m looking specifically for podcasts where the hosts interview coaches, box owners, athletes, etc.