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  1. Y

    WL for reps- need advice

    @sic Yes! FRAN Rx 45 mins 40 kg Thrusters. Was pausing post every rep. Then doing sets of 3-5 to go to 21 for example. Kip Pull ups: 3-5 per set. Then in the end, singles. Sub 10 mins: 21, 15, 9 loaded as follows: Thrusters: BB, BB, 40kg Pull: Inverse Rows, Inverse Rows, Kip Pull ups...
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    WL for reps- need advice

    Hello After multiple attempts over years, where I could not understand the concept of a WOD, scaling etc..this time I believe I have it. So my 1st FRAN took over 45 mins (yes!)...this time round I got the concept of scaling and did it under 10 mins. Not good. Still at least I'm getting it...
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    Intensity/ Power to be calculated across a SET v/s the ENTIRE WOD

    @mbahchidinma There really are components of Fitness. Depending on your goal, who you are serving, what all facilities you have- you could take only 3 components (Endurance, Strength, Mobility for the lay person who is very limited in resources time) to 5...8..10..12 components. (Cue in the...
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    Intensity/ Power to be calculated across a SET v/s the ENTIRE WOD

    @sismissy Yep! My mistake. Got it. I was confusing my former training with this new system. Over there it was to build maximal output. Now I need to learn to sustain it. One burst of Power vs Power endurance Yes..yes.. As I'm reading and listening more, this point is becoming more...
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    Intensity/ Power to be calculated across a SET v/s the ENTIRE WOD

    Hello Hoping to get responses from the senior coaches here. Also, geeks in exercise science please chime in. (I'm in the latter camp. In CF, I just have a Level 1 certificate) I understand CrossFit's correlation of Intensity to Power output. That was smart and very objective. However the...