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    Routine for Pull-ups

    @linenthesand Band assisted pull ups are great (in concert with other pulling movements). Don't leave them behind either - I can do a decent amount of pullups but I still use band assisted pull ups just to get a ton of reps in.
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    Muscle Strain of the Upper Back (Trapezius Strain) keeps killing my gains and motivation

    @nisa If you're doing bodyweight, then chest exercises for you are mainly push ups, dips, and all their variations.
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    34M - multiple injuries and getting back on the wagon - 5/3/1 or 8/6/3?

    @eyes2jesus Nope. You are never supposed to be close to your true 1rm in the program. Wendler is very insistent that you keep your TM so that your 1+ set is something you can do for 5 quality reps. You've clearly never read the books.
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    34M - multiple injuries and getting back on the wagon - 5/3/1 or 8/6/3?

    @markusdrury I don't really get the logic of just switching rep ranges and thinking that will reduce injuries. Why would that be? In 5/3/1, you are lifting more like 10/8/5 for the top sets any way if you are doing it according to how the program is written. So how is 8/6/3 really any...