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  1. N

    How much is a good caloric deficiency?

    @lidalulu I said a TREK to Mt Everest, not climbing. I am an avid hiker and hike 14,000 ft peaks all the time here in Colorado. I actually know exactly what it takes to climb that mountain and why I would never do it nor any desire to do so. And I went to Nepal in 2015 for the trek to base...
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    How much is a good caloric deficiency?

    @lidalulu After the first 2 months I went from 139 to 137lbs. Gained 2.5 lbs of muscle and lost 2 lbs of fat according the full body scanner. But literally I’m 144 now. I’ve never eaten much. I actually increased calories when I started working out bc I didn’t want to be burning muscle. It is...
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    How much is a good caloric deficiency?

    @nebula1 I lift 4 times and week and try to get in 9 total miles of running. I also do the full body workout classes with rowing, tread and lifting- average caloric burn of 425-560 depending on the class. Definitely not crazy working out, but I do wear a chest heart rate monitor so see the...
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    How much is a good caloric deficiency?

    @denversony Thanks! I’ll start weighing myself every day and see what the average is!
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    How much is a good caloric deficiency?

    @helen56 How on earth do you do that? I just get full very quickly, especially with a protein rich meal. I get hungry, but can barely finish two cans of tuna mixed with chai seeds and hemp hearts. And don’t get hungry again until about 6 hrs later. What do you eat with that much protein?
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    How much is a good caloric deficiency?

    @deerlane I use Fitness Pal to track what I eat to ensure I’m getting enough protein and it does the calories too. So thinking that is pretty accurate? Yes? Eating that much protein is very hard for a woman without adding in a ton of calories with it!
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    How much is a good caloric deficiency?

    @dragonsaur Thank you! I will definitely check this out!
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    How much is a good caloric deficiency?

    @stardustypsyche Thanks! I’ll start weighing daily and then looking at averages and see what it’s saying. :)
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    How much is a good caloric deficiency?

    @stardustypsyche I was down and out and sick for one week, but didn’t eat much at all—but didn’t workout either. I started hormone replacement therapy 1.5 months ago, which is a low dose birth control for perimenopause symptoms. But I read and the Dr assured me it wouldn’t cause weight gain...
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    How much is a good caloric deficiency?

    @stardustypsyche Broccoli? Lentils? Beans? Tofu? I struggle to consume 1500. I have to make a serious effort to eat that much and add in that protein. I eat a lot of fish and veggies….always have. I’ve never been a processed food person. Have always eaten extremely healthy, but now added more...
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    How much is a good caloric deficiency?

    @olusanya800 I weight myself once a week in the morning right when I wake up. Weight wise I wasn’t too concerned until my jeans started feeling way tighter. I just don’t think I’m burning enough fat to make up for the muscle gain? How to do that is not reducing calories more?
  12. N

    How much is a good caloric deficiency?

    I’ve been lifting for 5 months now and running and doing Orange Theory classes for cardio. Workout from 4-6 times a week. I get the full body muscle and body fat scans at Orange Theory too. I’ve gained 5 lbs of muscle and lost 4 lbs of fat, but now I’m gaining weight!! 4 lbs in the past 2 weeks...