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  1. M

    Why your homebrew routine is (probably) bad

    @legatichristi My perspective is that I suffer from periodic depression and flare ups of an auto-immune disorder that knock me completely on my ass for a year or two barely able to hold onto my job/relationships. I've been in amazing shape many times in my life, but have multiple times also...
  2. M

    Why your homebrew routine is (probably) bad

    @legatichristi My advice to people just starting out is: do whatever gets you off your ass. It really doesn't matter. If you are going from absolute couch potato, literally any routine at all will give you results, at least for the first 1-3 months. For many beginner's a routine like the RR...
  3. M

    I know this ain’t impressive to damn near everyone here. But, I just did my first full pull up

    @seekshare That's awesome. That first one takes some real effort. Way to go!