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    Under Desk Walking Pad or Mini Stepper for WFH

    @marianak I have both, but the walking pad is exclusively for working and the stepper for getting a quick moderate cardio session in during my free time. The up/down or swinging motion is too distracting while working, can’t concentrate properly on either task. The walking pad I use an hour...
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    To the short torsoed and short waisted people - what are the upsides/benefits? Can only spot disadvantages rn..

    @pitterricherd through the kibbe styling system! its kind of a rabbithole, but after learning about "lines" - what kind of clothing (material, cut,...) i need to follow the lines of my body it has become a lot better. some things i knew didnt work for me before that, but with this system...
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    Does anyone work out based on their moon cycle?

    @francis_mcc The wrong men really drain our vital energy!
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    Does anyone work out based on their moon cycle?

    @francis_mcc Have you had your hormones and micronutrients and vitamin levels checked? I remember I was way more tired when I had constant stress (my ex partner) and wasn’t getting enough of certain micronutrients (low on ferritin and magnesium) Maybe this could help you to be more energised 🙏
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    Does anyone work out based on their moon cycle?

    @francis_mcc I don’t think so, simply due to when sticking to a plan you get more results, even if you don’t do the whole workout/less reps etc on pms /period days I adjusted my diet to my cycle to fuel my body the best I can, but my split stayed the same (push + legs/pull + legs/functional +...
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    To the short torsoed and short waisted people - what are the upsides/benefits? Can only spot disadvantages rn..

    @dawn16 i used to wear them exclusively, now they dont work for me anymore unfortunately ^^´´´ xD
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    Meeting protein goals without dairy

    @jeanclaude yesss, eggs and legumes :D
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    To the short torsoed and short waisted people - what are the upsides/benefits? Can only spot disadvantages rn..

    @lm231 aye, i struggle so hard with touching my toes, even as a yogi... so theres the culprit the looking dumpy is real!
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    To the short torsoed and short waisted people - what are the upsides/benefits? Can only spot disadvantages rn..

    @mellypoo haha oh yeah! and passing others in a wider-spaced crowd feels like slalom
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    To the short torsoed and short waisted people - what are the upsides/benefits? Can only spot disadvantages rn..

    Getting frustrated lately. From various problems like: o) heartburn when not sitting straight enough after eating + certain bras put pressure on my lower esophageal sphincter (abrathatfits), even more heartburn (especially with pants that are too tight) o) cysts feel much bigger than they...
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    Do Soft Grip Dumbbells exist?

    @lordsmrfixit I’ve seen some 5kg ones (about 11lbs according to google) I think the brand was reebok I think, but that was locally and not in the US
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    "Women are not small men" - ROAR by Stacy Sims

    @sadie17 sounds interesting! does the book have anything to say about thyroid and the adrenal glands in connection to sports? (a part that often is overlooked unfortunately)