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    FloElite Fantasy League Reddit 1 - first Round is over, submit 2nd picks!

    @dawn16 Hi, if you're still in, I can assign your picks to someone who has registered but isnt submitting picks at all (so they're basically inactive). That way you dont have to worry about signing up! i have about 3 inactive accounts in our team ... So if you're still in, here's what I'm...
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    FloElite Fantasy League Reddit 1 - first Round is over, submit 2nd picks!

    @dawn16 Do you see your name on this list? HERE?. If not, you need to go under Gordon's name and click "Sign up" and go through that process to register with floelite. Then join "reddit". If you do see your name, just tell me what it is!
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    FloElite Fantasy League Reddit 1 - first Round is over, submit 2nd picks!

    @dawn16 Yes, you have Brent! But I dont see your name on the FloElite reddit list
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    FloElite Fantasy League Reddit 1 - first Round is over, submit 2nd picks!

    First round has been chosen, so the draft order is locked. I will have a google docs up by the end of the day today which will show the available athletes you can still choose! But for now ... just browse these comments and choose someone who hasnt already been chosen. Here is the order of the...
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    Things We Can Lift!

    @auwebber23 A kangaroo? Fuck.
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    What am I doing wrong? (x-posted to r/fitness)

    @cherrelle I learned how to lift properly from a CrossFit on ramp class. If you have a good CrossFit location around you, I HIGHLY suggest taking the 2-3 week course. And just getting away from the globo gym trainers. THey are ALL about plyo, high rep, etc type stuff. It's gonna cost you about...