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  1. M

    Geoff Neupert Mini Program Review - Giant + Strong

    @grace302015 Yeah that’s the plan we came up with, getting it done first thing in the morning while everyone is still sleeping. I don’t mind getting up early, it’s nice to have some alone time in the garage just working out, listening to a podcast, focusing on the workout.
  2. M

    Geoff Neupert Mini Program Review - Giant + Strong

    @grace302015 Thanks! We’re both super excited, I’m just really nervous. All our friends and family are out of state so it’s just me and my wife. But as far as training goes, it’s comforting that I’ve found a program that works for me, and at the minimum would require 90 minutes per week, which...
  3. M

    Geoff Neupert Mini Program Review - Giant + Strong

    @snowlucario I like a little more structure and progression for my workouts so I did 20/23/26/30, but there were a few workouts where I hit the same number of sets as the previous week in a faster time, and decided to take the win and end the workout a little early. I’ve had a mild knee injury...
  4. M

    Geoff Neupert Mini Program Review - Giant + Strong

    @snowlucario Yeah, the low reps lead to a ton of volume during the workout, because my rests were so short. It was a little more difficult to gauge compared to the higher rep sets. But without too much effort, I improved week to week by either doing more sets in the same time, the same sets in...
  5. M

    Geoff Neupert Mini Program Review - Giant + Strong

    Background: I’ve been lifting on and off for several years, did an internship a few years back with an SFGII instructor, learned a lot about kettlebells, movement, and lifting in general. I’ve been using 5/3/1 programming for the past year, and recently wanted to focus more on programming...