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  1. F

    CrossFit culture…

    @godwrestler The trainers explaining nothing is not good enough. Every class should include a breakdown of all movements for the day, and all scaling options (without any hints of pity or annoyance). As for people being standoffish, this is a gym by gym and class by class thing. I'm sure there...
  2. F

    My arms are impossible... any advice?

    @andrewxk7 We all have to store body fat somewhere, for some of us it is lower body, or tummy, or for you it may be your arms. You can certainly keep building muscle there, but it's normal for them to look 'soft' when un-flexed.
  3. F

    Gym-ing for months but not improving weights?

    @rania A few possibilities - inneficient program with lack of progressive overload, not eating enough calories to build muscle, not eating enough protein?
  4. F

    What does 2000 calories look like to you?

    @rue77 Not necessarily a lot more food than your day quantity wise. I would eat along similar lines. But add cheese and whole eggs to your breakfast. Add half a cup of rice and some nice sort of sauce to your lunch. Serve the chicken/marinara on a bit of pasta instead of spaghetti squash. Or...