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  1. C

    Progress & Learnings [6 months into the RR]

    @candy1962 You look 17-18 percent body fat right now. Also you get my sympathy for the hip genetics (or maybe that’s where your fat storages are???)
  2. C

    Progress & Learnings [6 months into the RR]

    @sergeyevich You aren’t gaining much if any muscle by eating in a deficit probably
  3. C

    6-Month Anorexia Progress

    @lovegodforever111 I quite clearly clarified that she gained a healthy amount of weight. Because it’s physically impossible to gain 25 pounds of mostly muscle in 6 months, especially as a female with no testosterone, and especially with bodyweight training. I don’t think you would even hit...
  4. C

    6-Month Anorexia Progress

    @hal16 Working out your obliques wouldn’t have affected your bf%. Your areas that are still solid are still that way because you were very underweight before and still are to a lesser extent.
  5. C

    6-Month Anorexia Progress

    @hal16 You did not gain 25 pounds of “mostly muscle” in 6 months, especially as a female. You seemed to have gained mostly fat (which is good and healthy considering how underweight you are). Just clearing this up for other people so they don’t feel demoralized when their progress seems “slow”.