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  1. H

    How’s my 3 day split

    @lnjblessings When you say more strength focused, I think you mean: less reps more weight? As for less assistance exercises: start incorporating squats? And possibly deadlifts (we will see about the deadlifts 😬)
  2. H

    How’s my 3 day split

    @joyce65714 I was doing squats for awhile, I’m curious though, if my main goal is quad growth, does it really matter if I’m doing squats vs doing leg press instead? If I’m getting my core work in the form of weighted crunches and back extensions., what is the benefit? I often feel like my core...
  3. H

    How’s my 3 day split

    Hello all, I’ve been working out and taking it not so seriously the past 3 years and I’ve made some decent gains but definitely not at the rate I’d prefer. After a year of some joint pain from bad form and fixing said form, and stretching more seriously, I’ve finally started to feel better and...