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  1. D

    I hate lifting

    @godsgurl1956 I lift to have a great body, not because I enjoy the act of lifting itself. Achieving goals means long-term sacrifice and repeated instances of hard work. That's why most people waste all their time pursuing temporary pleasures and having fun without ever achieving things that...
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    I hate lifting

    @servantj I hate lifting too. I also hate having a job and going to work but I do it because I have to. Focus on your goals and work on making the things you need to do to achieve them important to you. If working out is a non-negotiable part of your day like your other responsibilities then...
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    Runners knee issues

    @jrock8787 Strength training was key to my recovery. If you aren't already following a strength routine, start slow (no weights) and work your way up. If you're already doing weighted squats and things like that, reduce the load. Bulgarian split squats, glute bridges, banded monster walks are...
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    Runners knee issues

    @jrock8787 Sounds like an ITB issue. Try to get a diagnosis to be sure. This rehab routine combined with lower body strength training resolved my ITB pain that I'd had for years.