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  1. B

    Looking for dumbbell recommendations

    @teapartypatty Thanks for the reply. And $275 sounds like a steal. I'm hoping to grab one of the heavier sets, but I'm not going to be benching monster amounts regardless. I just like not making the unit obsolete quickly if I manage to get stronger.
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    Looking for dumbbell recommendations

    @relate Those look interesting. Rather expensive, but a definite possibility.
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    Looking for dumbbell recommendations

    @kpodekon I really like them. Haven’t used them for a couple of weeks though, because I hurt my arm doing something unrelated and need to let it rest and heal.
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    Looking for dumbbell recommendations

    @kel_sulz235 Bought! I convinced someone to pick them up for me. Thanks a ton for the recommendation.
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    Looking for dumbbell recommendations

    @kel_sulz235 That's a very good write-up. With their current promo, the NuoStyle look like they run about $450 CAD. The $100 for shipping could be a little more attractive, but I may be able to ask someone to pick them up for me. Unless I can get a better suggestion, I'll look into those...
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    Looking for dumbbell recommendations

    Due to space constraints, I'm wondering if upgrading from my current crappy dumbbell set to one of the fast asjust dumbbells is a good or bad idea. Has anyone used one of these? Any websites to use or avoid? Have a better suggestion? I'm in Ottawa, Canada but can grab shipments from the US...
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    Advice on 60-day window to develop ab regimen

    @light15 Turkish get-ups. God's way of telling me I'm a weak, weak man. Thanks for the links. I'll take a look!
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    Advice on 60-day window to develop ab regimen

    @light15 Theoretically my kettlebells are being delivered on Saturday. Have any recommendations for kettlebell workouts?
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    Advice on 60-day window to develop ab regimen

    @light15 I do this from time to time. It's felt "easy" exactly once. Having sub-10% body fat is the other thing making his abs shredded.