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  1. M

    Are clothes getting bigger or is it just me? 5'2,160lbs, size 8, and fitting smalls???

    @yakob123 Ive always been a 2 or 26 in jeans but at multiple stores I’m now a 0 or 25. I bought two pairs of jeans (same style): at Abercrombie I got size 25 and from Levi’s I got size 26 and they fit the same. I thought these were supposed to be the actual measurements??
  2. M

    Goal weight for 5ft 2in F?

    @intermediary Yes this. Im 5’2” and weigh 120lbs, and my body fat is 18% and muscle mass is 55lbs. A few years ago I got measured and was 120lbs and had 21% body fat. I weigh the same but am much more fit now. I feel great, though wouldn’t mind getting body fat slightly lower. Wouldn’t...