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  1. L

    What to do next?

    @creator123 This is factually untrue cardio will not stall your weightloss and factually lifting weights causes more cortisol spikes then steady state cardio when you factor HIIT into this mix then yes cortisol will raise more but your BMR also raises more after a 30min HIIT session cutting back...
  2. L

    What to do next?

    @gordon_b OP you’re in a plateau and more then likely you are seeing changes in inches lost rather then weight on the scale your exercise routine is intense and a killer fat burning routine, your calories are on point for your TDEE the fact of the matter is that if you want to see weightloss...
  3. L

    Protein intake on rest days?

    @truthisfreedom You can get protein from sources other then meat, pea protein as an example, tofu also has protein, buying a protein mix to put in shakes is also a great way to add protein into your diet at not too expensive of a price tag. You will need to be eating the same amount of protein...