@prayersword 6:30-7am Get ready for work and help get the kids ready to go with mom
8:00-5:00pm Work
6:00pm-7ish Workout (on days kids aren't playing sports)
7:15-10pm cook, eat, hang out with wife and kids and get ready for bed.
@rosesred I haven’t tried close grip but I definitely will. Did some neutral grip with lightweight dumbbells after legs yesterday and felt good. Even got a mini pump from it. I did incline a week or so ago and it wasn’t bad but when I tried it on smith, it was awful. First time using a smith so...
@rabbi2rev I’ll be doing upper body tomorrow and will do my best. After leg day yesterday, I did neutral grip dumbbell press and no pain so that will be my fall back if all else fails.
@quentsy That’s a really good idea. I’m going to do this Thursday and go from there. If it’s still not doable, I’ll schedule with a PT and see what’s going on. Thanks!!!
@jgeral0172 But, but, but, there's a jacked "natural" YouTuber that said I need to do it that way because they did it that way, got big, and are 100% natty!!!
@gronam I’ve really tweaked my shoulder and have been looking to find something other than bench (flat incline) and dumbbell. I have really long arms and have benched with terrible form, pretty much all shoulders apparently lol. I tried incline bench on the smith yesterday and it felt like my...