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  1. B

    More training = weight gain?

    @roberto1820 Yes. MyFitnessPal. Very consistent about it.
  2. B

    More training = weight gain?

    Hi all - I've worked out with a trainer for years but about a month ago bumped up from 2x/week to 3/x week and have been pushing (safely, but definitely working harder than I have). In that month, I've gained 3-4 pounds. Nothing else has changed: I continue to run 10-12 miles a week, am...
  3. B

    BMI, body fat %, etc

    Hey hey! I just got my first Dexa and RMR tests done and I was hoping some folks here could help me interpret the results. For starters, I'm a 51 yo male, 5'9", 170ish. Desk job but fairly active. Here's what came back: BMI = 25.1 Body fat: 27.3 Lean mass: 69.1 Resting energy expenditure...