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  1. J

    1 year of natural bodybuilding progress

    @professorphrink Are you lactose intolerant? I am and there are certain whey proteins that at high dilutions (more water) are lactose free. I've found it to work well. Also creatine is naturally in most meat and whatnot so you're consuming it anyway, the supplement is just topping up the amount...
  2. J

    A friend of mine asked me if I was natural or if I took creatine

    @thisdogdonegone Sort of. I didn't do it in any sort of scientific way, but I did do a 1 week loading protocol of around 15g/day (pussied out of doing the full 20+ as recommended) and then down to 8g/day, and after that first week I didn't so much notice an increase in how much I was doing per...
  3. J

    A friend of mine asked me if I was natural or if I took creatine

    @thisdogdonegone Yeah I'm a big lump over 200lb so apparently I need more for the gainz. I'm not convinced it makes a difference but creatine is pretty cheap and readily available so I don't feel the need to conserve it. Worst case it just isn't absorbed.
  4. J

    A friend of mine asked me if I was natural or if I took creatine

    @thisdogdonegone Yeah I used to take 3-5g (basically one scoop) but I read a few articles/resources suggesting that over 200lb in body weight you should be on about 8g/day so that's what I do now