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    Do I need to switch my routine up?

    @anthony1013 What exercise does do, especially after 50, is raise your daily calorie requirement to something a normal human can sustain over time. At 6’, 230 pounds, my zero-exercise metabolic requirement is about 1800 calories a day. Without adding exercise, I have to sustain a food intake...
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    Do I need to switch my routine up?

    @teacup64 The commute is brutal. I did a long driving one for 12 years, and found it physically difficult. My hands hurt all the time. Does the Peleton track your exertion, or do you have a watch-type tracker? I was cycling on local roads for a good while during the pandemic, and was just...
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    Getting back to the gym after 20 years..

    @mrlutrinae I'm working mostly on the pin-set machines like this one right now, but I can see where my weights could get higher than what they provide for leg exercises.
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    BMI thoughts

    @desertsun236 Agree, there aren't many people for whom a BMI above 30 isn't overweight. My current BMI is 32, and my target is between 27 and 29. With broad shoulders and a lot of leg muscle, I can't imagine getting below 25. I don't think I'd be comfortable.
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    Where I was at 58, where I am now at 62, it's been around 5 years (or close enough)

    @ricksterm Thanks! There's so many hiking opportunities around in most places. State parks are great places to start back.
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    Tips for sustained energy/daily recovery?

    @roberto1820 Agree, and not just for colon cancer, though I have had a couple of polyps removed in the past 15 years. I was diagnosed with inflammation that is probably from Crohn's disease after a colonoscopy last year.
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    Where I was at 58, where I am now at 62, it's been around 5 years (or close enough)

    @ricksterm Excellent work! I'm a hiker and backpacker, and have developed a steady gym habit in the past year, but am far from ripped! I lost 60+ pounds in 2015-16, but am fighting a pandemic 15 right now. Doctor would like me to lose 25 to see if some liver-related blood test results improve.
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    Need advice with lifting during weight loss

    @ricksterm Wow, you've made amazing changes! I sometimes chide myself for eating the same breakfast every day, but it makes life easier.
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    BMI, body fat %, etc

    @binbina Getting a DEXA scan, or other quality body composition measurement, is on my to-do list. I had an impedance measurement at work some years ago, but suspect it was too low at 6', 230 pounds and 28% body fat.
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    Is my heart rate too high?

    @griswold My heart rate can now run at 90+ percent of that 220-age predictor (146-151, vs. 156) exercising fairly hard. I don’t feel like I’m pushing myself too hard while I am doing it.
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    20 Minute Bodyweight Circuit

    @tomilayo So, you saw the guy who was camping on the leg press at the Y Tuesday night?
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    20 Minute Bodyweight Circuit

    @mrlutrinae Never heard the word before, but it's pretty close to what I do, trying to alternate upper and lower body.
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    20 Minute Bodyweight Circuit

    @alwayssad81 I was instructed to move through strength workouts, notably exercise machines, quickly when I was young, to keep my heart rate up. This doesn't seem to be common practice in gyms today.