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  1. B

    “Don’t look at the scale, because muscle weighs more than fat.”

    @samuelperla Ask yourself, would you rather see the scale number drop or would you rather drop a pants size? I’ve been working out for 6 months and the scale has only gone down about 10 lbs but I’m way stronger and all of my pants are loose. The scale isn’t telling the whole story. And be...
  2. B

    What’s been your biggest barrier?

    @thebrittschmitt Finding the time between work, parenting, household obligations, family expectations, the list goes on. Some days I have no idea how an adult is supposed to get all of it done and also stay somewhat rested in order to be able to function.
  3. B

    Workouts for women with PCOS?

    @zayin7 Same, I’m a people pleaser at heart and it’s hard to do sometimes to stop worrying about what everyone else wants and focus on what I need to do!
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    Workouts for women with PCOS?

    @zayin7 One thing I’ve learnt is just cook what I need to for myself and not worry if others are eating something else. My husband works manual labor and doesn’t eat much all day so if I eat what he does at dinner I’ll gain weight. Let him eat something else if he wants. I needed to stop just...
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    Workouts for women with PCOS?

    @zayin7 I’ve only been at the gym one month but I do a lot of different stuff, try lots of different machines. Every time I go I learn something new. Also squats with barbells and overhead press with dumbbells. I don’t do every exercise each time and some people here will tell me I’m doing it...
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    Workouts for women with PCOS?

    @zayin7 I may be wrong but I understood it to be the other way around, it is my insulin resistance and weight gain that caused PCOS not the opposite. Either way though, you will need to move more and eat less. Things that worked for me and I’m still working on: Cut way back on carbs and fill...