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  1. P

    Accepting truth

    It depends on the reason, I mean I’m trying to go vegan due to religious reasons as well as health reasons, so I honestly wouldn’t believe it no matter what simply because nothing has really happened to me when I cut meat out of my lifestyle
  2. P

    Accepting truth

    @ailanthus777 Nah Faxts Faxts bro your right, I just wanted to see where everyone’s head is at you know.
  3. P

    Accepting truth

    @amitmishra In a way, I mean when articles and info were presented to me I was pretty convinced and started to change up.
  4. P

    Accepting truth

    @dawn16 Its not really me trying to convince them, it’s more like them trying to convince me that I need meat in my system.
  5. P

    Accepting truth

    @padraig_leigheanach Respectively brozay
  6. P

    Accepting truth

    @padraig_leigheanach Nahhh lol bro I’m telling you bro, you can be chilling and people will still get on ya head for the way you live ya life. Trust me.
  7. P

    Accepting truth

    @dawn16 Lol I don’t but they’ll see me eat and then get on me for it😂
  8. P

    Accepting truth

    @dawn16 Its not really me trying to convince them, it’s more like them trying to convince me that I need meat in my system, when I’ve been on raw fruit, and veggie diets for 7 day periods and proved to myself that I actually don’t.
  9. P

    Accepting truth

    @thejonesboysofnc Ye
  10. P

    Accepting truth

    @tongdai Nahh Ik loll. I was gonna say don’t take the acronym too seriously lolll
  11. P

    Accepting truth

    @hand_of_grace Nahh for real bro like it’s killing two birds in one stone - eating healthy - saving animals as well It benefits everyone in the long run.
  12. P

    Accepting truth

    @chickensoup Nah for real bro bro 😂😎
  13. P

    Accepting truth

    @chickensoup LOL facts bro. You got it there!
  14. P

    Accepting truth

    @chickensoup Lol bro trust me, I agree, it’s just that I’m not the one that starts the arguments😂 it’s other people loll
  15. P

    Accepting truth

    I feel like whether people want to believe it or not, going vegan/vegetarian is honestly scientifically proven to be the best way for our lifestyle. I just don't see why people don't want to accept that fact. What are some reasons as to why people can't accept the truth about meat? It would...