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  1. T

    I cannot gain muscle, no matter what I do

    @kayelgee I saw that idea floated. But that would mean insufficient recovery. So O.P. can narrow it down by ruling out one (insufficient volume) or the other (insufficient recovery). If hormonal problem, then it's insufficient recovery, meaning, it takes too long to recover from a session...
  2. T

    I cannot gain muscle, no matter what I do

    @allysmiles3 It's either insufficient volume (hard sets) or it's insufficient recovery. A hard set is R.P.E. 6-7 minimum. Recovery is time, sleep, and food.
  3. T

    |Progress|M25|6'1"|194lb-164lb|This is the most I've ever cut and it was so worth it

    @trivette That's because at 73 inches your lean body mass was more than 165 LBS before you started, you cut too much.