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  1. C

    Accepting truth

    @posthlewait3 If only I could take my own advice and not start arguments about what does and does not constitute recyclable I'd be super zen! 🤣
  2. C

    Accepting truth

    @posthlewait3 Absolutely, it's so hard to be so unthreatening and reasonable in the face of aggressive carnivores. Realistically though, if people are going at it to be aggressive in the first place, they are in it for the argument, not the fundamental point. You can't argue with stupid, don't...
  3. C

    Accepting truth

    @posthlewait3 How difficult would you find it accepting their arguments that their lifestyle is the "right" one? Probably really quite hard, if not impossible. That's the answer. People find it extremely difficult to change behaviour, especially habitual or long standing behaviour. Especially...