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  1. R

    Progress & Learnings [6 months into the RR]

    @linamom All methods are comparative methods so not the most accurate anyways but either one of the many skin fold tests or a dexa scan. Skin fold calipers would be the method a normal person would use. Knowing an accurate number isn't very important at all, just get to a point you are...
  2. R

    Progress & Learnings [6 months into the RR]

    @davisowner People always under estimate their body fat percentage. It's the only constant in the universe
  3. R

    6 mos update - M/35/5’10

    @rkenoke Naw man looking good As a guy who is terminally flat chested im jealous
  4. R

    6 mos update - M/35/5’10

    @rkenoke Danm dude good progress. Them taters tho
  5. R

    6-Month Anorexia Progress

    @charlie Seriously. People need to be realistic
  6. R

    M 22, 4 months progress. From 130 lbs to 143 lbs

    @regularposter Some people really luck out with their ab genetics
  7. R

    Doing the RR twice a week for 6+ years: a review (average guy, 32yo)

    @egspirit Do all the OPs and what not cause any pain with any of the movements?
  8. R

    Doing the RR twice a week for 6+ years: a review (average guy, 32yo)

    @egspirit Not trying to be negative or body shame or anything, but what is up with your chest? It seems super asymmetrical
  9. R

    How do I get a physique like this?

    @cici1234 Get active friends