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  1. B

    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @latestnews I don't think I'd call RIR 5 "close to failure". Sure, closer than 6... I take it you also agree that the guidelines are too vague then? You're being silly. You are telling me you can do 20 sets to failure PER MUSCLE GROUP per week and not have your training impacted by...
  2. B

    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @latestnews I think most people probably think about "close to failure" being more like RPE8/9 rather than RPE5. Most studies talk about RPE7 as being the minimum for strength training, so being 5 reps away from failure is a huge amount. Regardless, if that's what you mean then I think you...
  3. B

    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @latestnews Perhaps review your summary
  4. B

    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @latestnews I am not sure about the suggestion to train to failure for all sets. Reps become exponentially more tiring above RPE7. Training to failure for even 1 set is going to affect the rest of the sets that session, not to mention the recovery time hit. You also don't talk about what goes...