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  1. I

    What did you do to lose weight?

    @vesper1977 Thank you! Going to try to stick to 1200. I hope I get used to the hunger. It’s very low for me! I go to dinner once a week and need to be careful on the weekend too. This gives me hope!!!
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    What did you do to lose weight?

    @bunnylightheart I am in your exact same spot. 5,2. 134 lbs. I am Struggling to drop ANYTHING. I’ve been trying to be in deficit since Jan 8. And the scale has barely moved. If I have even one night of “eating more”, I go up to 136! I exercise at least 4-5x a week and shoot for 1350 calories...
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    Those who are 5’0/5’1, what is your goal weight and what are you doing to get there?

    @dawn16 I would say realistically I eat 1200-1500 calories per day. I count pretty meticulously but if I am hungry after dinner before bed and want that extra snack, I take it. Sometimes leading me to 1350-1400 or so. I’ve been doing it since Jan 8 but on the weekends I probably am going up to...
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    Those who are 5’0/5’1, what is your goal weight and what are you doing to get there?

    @dawn16 I exercise daily and burn at least 300+ calories in my morning workout which includes a HIIT type workout with weights, and some type of cardio for 10min. Average steps is probably 7k— could probably do better with this
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    Those who are 5’0/5’1, what is your goal weight and what are you doing to get there?

    @dawn16 Thank you! I’m struggling at 1200 calories 135 lbs and won’t lose a thing! I’m so confused.. maybe i need to up my calories?
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    Those who are 5’0/5’1, what is your goal weight and what are you doing to get there?

    @dawn16 How many calories are you eating daily?