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  1. S

    Win! 20 lbs Down This Year

    @jpk7742 Sure! I usually just have 2 cups of coffee with creamer for breakfast. For lunch, I usually make a sandwich of some kind (Egg bacon, avocado toast w feta, BLT, etc). And then I have a big meal for dinner. I cook to last a couple days, so this week I made baked italian sausage with cajun...
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    Win! 20 lbs Down This Year

    @aly1031 Congrats on the sobriety streak! Alcohol is such a slippery slope. I'm sure you look and feel so much better now.
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    Win! 20 lbs Down This Year

    @newsong2018 Thanks! My body feels so much better, and it's great being able to fit back into my clothes lol
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    Win! 20 lbs Down This Year

    @raverdave2k Thanks! Slow and steady wins the race.
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    Win! 20 lbs Down This Year

    5'2 F age 27 Started this year at 138 lbs, and today I hit a new low of 118 lbs. I don't have progress pics at my heaviest, but attached are pics from August 2022 where I estimate I was probably about 130ish compared to today. Biggest thing for me was adding some light exercise and limiting...