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  1. E

    TDEE Confusion

    @cookie3482 What exactly is recomping? I have heard the term but am not 100% on what it means.
  2. E

    TDEE Confusion

    @cookie3482 I am loosely tracking protein [just not focusing on it] and I think I am getting enough. 1-1.5g per kg equals 63-94g and Im getting between that with my current calories. Im using q carb manager app that gives me my macros. Thank you for the suggestion and ill see about increasing it...
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    TDEE Confusion

    @hcmcity So doing the math that is about 63g to 94g if I am right for 140lbs.
  4. E

    TDEE Confusion

    @hcmcity Thing is I can only really hit the gym on my weekends and currently only once on those three days [unless I wanna re-wear gross sweaty workout clothes]. Would you think that doing simple barbell weights at home on work days could contribute adequately to that for days I cant get a good...
  5. E

    TDEE Confusion

    Hi all! So for starters I am F/31/5'0" and currently 140lbs. I have been at 140 for....months. I have lost about 80lbs over the course of 2 years, however as of recently the scale does not budge and I wonder if my TDEE and my defecit is possibly too low for my activity levels. I work at Amazon...