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  1. S

    225 Squat for 12 (3rd Set)

    @stripe Thank you. I do have a couple of advantages. 1) I danced for about 10 years in my youth. I feel I never lost that strength and nerve connection. 2) I am 255ish pounds, so that's a bit less than body weight. I suspect for you, your Wilks would be higher. My 2 most common training...
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    225 Squat for 12 (3rd Set)

    @teresapartridge Neither, actually. Since I am stretching to increase range of motion and that fatigues muscles, connective tissue and the CNS, the stretching is not part of my gym time. I lift first thing in the morning (usually done with squats by 6 AM) and stretch before bed. For me I...
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    225 Squat for 12 (3rd Set)

    @jontue Thank you. Some of that is luck, most of it is videoing myself fairly regularly and watching the set on the rest. And keeping up the stretching so I don't butt wink. :(
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    225 Squat for 12 (3rd Set)

    45 years old, 8 months lifting. This is my 3rd set, decided to go for 12 rather than 8. Highest working set was 285x3x8. I had stopped stretching and my butt wink came back. I am stretching again working to kill the butt wink again. Any feedback is welcome. It's never too late to start...
  5. S

    Day in the life of Ernestine Shepherd (77 y/I bodybuilder)

    @charger2012 This should be on all the fitness reddits! Awesome. I'm 32 years younger than here. Another reason I want to lift like a girl!