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  1. P

    Looking for long-term kettlebell workout plan [M/F]

    @tctruongson Checked it out. Could you confirm that only one kettlebell is used by each person? I saw that many require several weights per workout plan. We only have 8kg for her and 16kg for me.
  2. P

    Looking for long-term kettlebell workout plan [M/F]

    @jim35215 Again, thanks a lot! I'll check them all out!
  3. P

    Looking for long-term kettlebell workout plan [M/F]

    @jim35215 Thanks a lot GreenStrong! Just read through it but it says: Did you have a KB background before you started it?
  4. P

    Looking for long-term kettlebell workout plan [M/F]

    @captaintoad Wow, thanks a lot for all that. I'll check it all out!
  5. P

    Looking for long-term kettlebell workout plan [M/F]

    Hey guys! So my girlfriend and I just got our kettlebells (8kg and 16kg) an we are looking for a long-term workout plan. I found the "" things but it's almost US$50. It does however include 12 weeks beginner, 12 weeks intermediate and 12 weeks advanced training plan which...