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  1. B

    Please form check my squat and DL

    @elizabeth9973 Thank you! This is more than enough. I’ll do all this.
  2. B

    Please form check my squat and DL

    @angelbaby1977 Across the back like you do in lower bar squat? I have a hard time doing it because of my shoulder mobility. I prefer high bar for now but I think I’m placing it wrong like you said. Thanks for the input
  3. B

    Please form check my squat and DL

    @alexhunting Thank you for your input. Here is my squat on the same day. I do brace at the top but I don’t know if I continue to brace when I go back up. I need to work on that more. On my deadlift, i feel my hams and glutes firing when I go up but not when I’m preparing to lift. I’ll try the...
  4. B

    Please form check my squat and DL

    Hello y’all! I’ve been posting my form checks here and y’all are a great help on my progress. I’m asking for your help again. My squat is swaying. It sways to the left side when I descend and sways to right when I go up. Is it because of my form or some muscle imbalance? squat The form check...