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  1. H

    48M kind of disappointed in 2-years' gym progress. Maybe I need some help

    @dekaewaii I thought he said 20-28% gains in 1RM for big lifts in the 2 years. Unless his baseline 1RM was already pretty high this is pretty sub par I would say for 2 years of training following actual programs, having been in a surplus (as he’s gained weight).
  2. H

    Getting weaker on squats

    @bjpascoal You ought to post a vid of your form so someone can see what exactly is stressing the knee so much. I have small bones and this makes no difference whatsoever in my opinion. I’m older, closer to 50, and what I do find is that I can over-stress the meniscus in the knee joint outside...
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    48M kind of disappointed in 2-years' gym progress. Maybe I need some help

    @nowhereman I think the reality with strength training style of training is that you need to put up significantly higher numbers in the big lifts to look noticeably larger. Your numbers are in the region of what I can do and I’m 170cm and just under 70kg at your age… so am on the small side. Do...
  4. H

    High bar squat more fatiguing to spinal erectors than low bar squat

    @vinod367 I’d agree that the optimal stance is somewhat individual. I believe that the conventional advice is to go wide stance with toe out to allow the hips to move freely down but that doesn’t work for me. Must be due to how my hips fit into the socket. When I go wide I get a blocking feeling...
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    High bar squat more fatiguing to spinal erectors than low bar squat

    @vinod367 Narrow heel stance. A bit more toe out than I would in LBS. It suits my hip structure and allows me to drop my butt more vertically down towards my heels into the ‘Asian squat’ position. With LBS I have heels further apart with less toe out which I find is best for my balance, but...
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    High bar squat more fatiguing to spinal erectors than low bar squat

    @horation Spinal erectors in the upper thoracic area. Hope I am describing that ok. Once I front squat over 100kg (and am just under 70kg) I start to feel it there. As the loading increases I am more aware of loading there than say my lower back/ lumbar to mid thoracic area, unlike LBS where...
  7. H

    High bar squat more fatiguing to spinal erectors than low bar squat

    @horation Surprising to me. Long femurs here but I have a way to be pretty upright in the HBS.. LBS I'm very bent over in the bottom position. LBS is hands down more taxing for my spinal erectors. HBS feels more taxing for my upper back area similar to be much less so than Front Squats.
  8. H

    What do you do when you miss a workout?

    @mdhess If I miss days I just pick up where I left off. If I miss weeks, I usually do a week of lower intensity but more volume to rebuild work capacity and go through the usual DOMs and then taper volume down to where I must resume (while increasing the intensity).