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  1. N

    1 year weightloss and 2 month BWF progress

    @stevendale See this response for breakfast/lunch ideas. As far as dinner goes. I often ate whole grain variants of normal pasta or wraps recipes, using more sauce/filling and less pasta. But this was mostly out of laziness. Ideally I'd replace the carbs entirely. Some recipes include: chicken...
  2. N

    1 year weightloss and 2 month BWF progress

    @edwinpaul It's a bit hard to tell, but I would say yes. Carrying 20kg less is going to make a difference. I also got new orthotics, and I'm supposed to stretch my feet with a night brace, but I kind of haven't started yet as it's really difficult to sleep with
  3. N

    1 year weightloss and 2 month BWF progress

    @greatseams Didn't really do too much research into GI and GL values myself, I just trusted the conclusions and food recommendations made by the book. Not sure what you mean by 'stopping point'? This particular diet change was never meant to be temporary. It has so many health benefits I don't...
  4. N

    1 year weightloss and 2 month BWF progress

    @greatseams Just took a quick glance and I don't really see the point. It seems unnecessarily expensive, and my own home recipe has less Calories (140 vs their 180), much less carbs (15 vs their 37) and sugar (1.44 vs their 4), and only slightly less protein (7.23 vs their 8). Most of the taste...
  5. N

    1 year weightloss and 2 month BWF progress

    @greatseams Oh yeah I'm a slouch when it comes to cooking. Purely out of laziness I only eat 3 things as my breakfast and lunch: Buckwheat pancakes: 200g buckwheat flour, 4 eggs, 500 mL soymilk, pinch of salt, for 10 pancakes. Heat back up in the microwave and top with cheese + peanutbutter...
  6. N

    1 year weightloss and 2 month BWF progress

    @greatseams In general I eat a lot of oatmeal, buckwheat (in the form of pancakes), sweet potato, legumes, and fruit. All of which are have a low GI and make you feel very full. I find that most vegetables simply don't fill me up enough.
  7. N

    1 year weightloss and 2 month BWF progress

    @greatseams The book mostly focuses on the 'glycemic index' of certain foods. This is an existing value that basically dictates how fast the carbs will be absorbed into your bloodstream. This is not only dependent on the type of carbs but also the presence of fiber etc. The index goes from...
  8. N

    1 year weightloss and 2 month BWF progress

    @dawn16 You didn't miss it, I just didn't think it was relevant. I'm 24.
  9. N

    1 year weightloss and 2 month BWF progress

    @matthewck IMO the fact that you turned it around weighs more heavily than the fact you let it get that far.
  10. N

    1 year weightloss and 2 month BWF progress

    @matthewck How is that depressing? We all have our own journey to take. Yours started at a different point, and if anything that made it a lot harder and you deserve more praise for those extra miles.
  11. N

    1 year weightloss and 2 month BWF progress

    @riseup Yes. I'd say roughly once or sometimes twice a week I go for a night of beers and snacks.
  12. N

    1 year weightloss and 2 month BWF progress

    @jillmci It's definitely noticeable in the other pictures. You can also see it in this x-ray of my spine. It's not extreme but bad enough to be a problem. I don't think you're supposed to train differently on one side, if you train normally your muscles should support themselves automatically...
  13. N

    1 year weightloss and 2 month BWF progress

    @jillmci Not really. As far as I know there's not really much you can do beside strengthening your back muscles. I've mentioned it to physical therapists and doctors before but they didn't really suggest anything.
  14. N

    1 year weightloss and 2 month BWF progress

    @jillmci I can assure you I've had scoliosis* before that too :^) I think in that year-difference picture I was just putting more weight on my right leg. IMO it's most noticeable in the 3rd timeline pic, you can see my right shoulder is higher than my left.
  15. N

    1 year weightloss and 2 month BWF progress

    @n4rfzoink They have an amazon link where you can buy a kindle edition. I've read the original in Dutch, but this link should be the English version. Do note the book is not really about weightloss, but instead about preventing diseases and aging symptoms.
  16. N

    1 year weightloss and 2 month BWF progress

    @gotz Thanks man. For sure, physical may be why I started, but mentally I really needed this.
  17. N

    1 year weightloss and 2 month BWF progress

    @gotz Even though I once was 220+, I didn't take the first picture until I was 207. I'm 6'
  18. N

    1 year weightloss and 2 month BWF progress

    @ariel Posture is going to be my next goal. I've started trying to apply some fixes but haven't made huge progress yet. My biggest hurdle is that I don't want to add extra work and time to my routine as I'm already struggling a bit with my busy schedule. You are absolutely spot-on with the APT...
  19. N

    1 year weightloss and 2 month BWF progress

    @betaninja Right? I was kind of surprised it kept increasing so consistently in just 2 months even though I'm cutting, but I suppose losing fat also helps a lot with pull-ups