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  1. C

    The Wolf

    @juancarlos Just wanted to thank you for the additional information, it's appreciated. I'll substitute double-snatches with one the exercises you suggested, but will also continue to practice double-KB snatches with lesser weight until I get the hang of them.
  2. C

    The Wolf

    @fbgah These are surely newbie questions, but here I go: 1) I assume that the same kettlebell weight is used for all exercises? 2) My snatches have gotten a lot better, but that's with only one kettlebell; once I break out two kettlebells, then they get a little shitty. Would you do them one at...
  3. C

    Question on The Wolf Program

    @hunter101 I appreciate your input. I think I was getting tunnel vision and just not thinking outside the box, but based on your reply and the ones above, it seems like I can play around with when the cycle starts during the week so that I can get a bit more rest prior to Day 3.
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    Question on The Wolf Program

    @brokenwarrior I agree with you, and yeah, I don't think my intent is to build muscle, but mostly to have some structure in my kettlebell routine and hopefully for my conditioning to improve, which is why I was hoping to continue to lift on my off days, but Day 3 definitely felt like a bit much...
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    Question on The Wolf Program

    @brokenwarrior I actually hadn't thought about that, that's a smart approach. Unfortunately I only have a set of 40s, which is what I'm using for all 3 days. Day #2 was fairly easy, but Day #3 definitely caught me off guard, but I'm enjoying the learning process. I assume, like the others...
  6. C

    Question on The Wolf Program

    @brian19 I can understand why, especially after the first Day 3 workout.
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    Question on The Wolf Program

    @tomtomtom That's awesome! Hopefully I'll have a similar story to tell when I get to week 6. Best of luck on W6D3, Judgement Day!
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    Question on The Wolf Program

    @tomtomtom I appreciate your input. Seems like your approach is similar to the reply right before yours and I think I could also benefit from it. I don't workout on the weekends, so Sat and Sun would be my off-days and hopefully I'll be ready to tackle Day #3 on Monday; I think I'm going to...
  9. C

    Question on The Wolf Program

    @bluemayskye That's interesting, but I do agree with the endurance part, that is what really got to me on Day #3; the last set of front squats was grueling for me, racking the KBs properly on that last set was definitely a challenge for me because my legs were actually starting to shake at that...
  10. C

    Question on The Wolf Program

    @juancarlos That's a clever approach I also hadn't thought of (starting Day 1 on W), thank you for the suggestion. I think you're right, if i were to keep it MWF format, then perhaps Th should be a full rest day in order to be ready for Day 3 on Friday. Initially I was thinking that I could...
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    Question on The Wolf Program

    @grace302015 I will look into LISS cardio, I have never heard of it before, but I would like to find some physical activity to do on my off days so that I don't feel as guilty. Prior to the Wolf, I had done full-body workouts with kettlebells, and while some of them were definitely taxing, I...
  12. C

    Question on The Wolf Program

    @grace302015 I've been lifting (free weights) for a while now, but decided to give kettlebells a go, so I've been dedicating some time to kettlebells for a few months now, but hadn't gotten into a program until now. I think that I'm just so used to lifting M-F, that it feels odd to take 2 days...
  13. C

    Question on The Wolf Program

    @taurho Thanks, appreciate the feedback.
  14. C

    Question on The Wolf Program

    I realize this may be a stupid question, but you guys are very knowledgeable on these topics and will probably set me straight, so here I go: I started the Wolf program this week (M, W, F) and Day 3 was definitely more taxing than the other 2 days. For my "off" days (T, Th), I'm actually doing...