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    Kubicka's personal log September

    Hello guys! I’m writing this as another part of my log to let you see my progress, help me with my problems, to help with your problems and motivate each other 😊. This is bigger part created as a post on main page which will be posted again after a month. Weekly logs (shorter) will be posted...
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    Preping for my first Athletic Fitness Competition, any tips?

    Hello there, I want to participate on athletic fitness competition in 9 months and would be glad for any tips you can give me. About me: I’m 23 years, 174cm and 70kg as for now (think I am relatively lean). Currently lean bulking but without good results (staying on the same weight for like 4...
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    Next steps, Need advice

    @buckbran 22bf is still a lot, I would continue cutting to like 12 and then start lean bulking
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    PPLUL Split.. Enough volume on all muscle groups?

    @onedayatatime549 I am an advocate of quality over quantity and I know that if I really push myself to RIR 1-2 over my mesocycle I cannot do too much of a volume, so I rather keep it on the lower side. 12 sets of back on pull day is a lot by my standards but if you have good recovery I think...
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    PPLUL Split.. Enough volume on all muscle groups?

    @onedayatatime549 Volume seems to be quite high, but if you are not a beginner you'll be okay. We have almost same structure of training. Just look at lower days as squats, rdl and leg press seems like overkill to me .
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    Do you guys use any supplements?

    @mayaann Creatine, D, Omega-3, Ashwagandha, Magnesium and Zinc
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    Cardio vs Calorie Deficit while Cutting

    @brokenjoker Depends on context but during my whole prep I haven't done any cardio but 15000 steps and lowered my calorie intake from 3300kcal to 2700 Also I do bike to work every day but I do not count that as a cardio 😅
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    BodybyYake's Contest Prep Write-up!

    @xrainny Did you lower your calorie intake on other days to incorporate those higher days or did you just dieted 5days a week (2days/week on maintanace)?
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    11 weeks out from my first official classic physique show/s

    @ssl Thank you! I dont think there are any differences, maybe I train smarter, but I think I am pretty much ok with my recovery.
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    BodybyYake's Contest Prep Write-up!

    @xrainny How many high carb days did you have weekly?
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    BodybyYake's Contest Prep Write-up!

    @xrainny What was your normal low and high carb day intake?
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    BodybyYake's Contest Prep Write-up!

    @xrainny Wow, that's a lot, really great job! ..and I thought I am already prepped for my show :D :D
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    11 weeks out from my first official classic physique show/s

    @sam088 great to hear, I actually like to write those
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    BodybyYake's Contest Prep Write-up!

    @xrainny Great man, congratulations, really nice physique! May I ask what's the weight difference between the 10 weeks out and the 1 week out?
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    11 weeks out from my first official classic physique show/s

    @cookiesforthree I tried to do my research and bought a really short one very similar to the one Eric Lee Salazar used in his prep.
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    11 weeks out from my first official classic physique show/s

    29y, 173cm around 70kg right now (diet break and deload in) Front relaxed from my morning physique check: So I really wanted to try competing again after 5 years break (yeah a long one) and here I am in my full beauty :D I am really sure some of you could remember I...