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  1. D

    I {18F, 5'7, 115 lbs} am starting to work out and count macros, how do I start?

    @drummachine Definitely don't cut. Legume pasta such as lentil pasta, chickpea pasta is a really easy way to add protein. There are some lovely vegan protein bars in Tesco such as pulsin bars. Buy some vegan protein powder and add it to pancakes, shakes and porridge. Lastly there is protein...
  2. D

    Body fat is too damn high - tips to get it down?

    @babablacksheep I'd eat at maintenance and make sure you get 1-1.5 g of protein per kg weight and see where you are in three months. Your weight is healthy so you're in a good position and like I said take those measurements with a pinch of salt.
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    Body fat is too damn high - tips to get it down?

    @babablacksheep My apologies! Strength training is your best bet don't be afraid to lift heavy :) if you have the cash hiring a trainer is worth it just don't go with anyone who recommends cutting out entire food groups. The benefit of a trainer is they will help you make sure your form is good.
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    Body fat is too damn high - tips to get it down?

    @babablacksheep I'm guessing you're female? 29% body fat for a woman isn't fat and if you were happy with yourself before you were weighed then you're a victim of diet culture. If you're not weight lifting atm then fair enough it's good to start, focus on compound lifts 2 to 3 times a week and...
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    26 y/o female new to weight lifting, struggling to hit my 150g of protein target

    @sally_wheeler Seconded here just keep doing what you can consistency is key! Well done your diet looks good.