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  1. B

    Busy Dad, tired of feeling like shit. Asking for advice

    @tomaszpl There are so many free YouTube channels you could use to get fit. I would say do some cardio for energy, Weights for muscle strength and Pilates for core strength, posture and flexibility. The ones I would suggest for cardio & weights are hasfit, Christine Salus and fitness blender. I...
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    Looking for guidance

    @goodtoseeya I completely understand that, it does all add up to a lot of money. Caroline girvan gives really good tips on form and Heather has loads to- they are both great. Good luck!
  3. B

    Looking for guidance

    @goodtoseeya Heather Robertson and Caroline girvan are great on YouTube. It might be worth booking a 1:1 with a trainer just to get to know technique and the weight machines in the gym. Also work on joint mobility and flexibility to help keep everything moving fluidly - this is an example of...