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    I need over 4100 calories a day according to this calculator... Anymore ideas on easy sources of calories?

    @michaelkep What do you currently eat? Everything you eat across any 3 days? Give me a description of 3 full days of eating.
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    DEXA Results: 29F, 5'5", 126.1 lbs, 18.4% BF

    @tinabugs77 Although DEXA is considered 'the Gold-standard' for body composition, it can still fluctuate somewhat. I personally think the 18.4% reading is a high estimate; visually, I think I would call it 16%. You ought to compare your figure against the U.S. Navy Bodyfat Calculator; I'm...
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    The MYTH of higher frequency for 'smaller' muscles b/c they recover faster?

    @vsw874 This is probably due to lower loading paradigms used in training the smaller muscle groups. You're far more likely to go heavier on "chest" (bench/dumbbell-bench) than when hitting "triceps" (cable isolations etc). This results in less cumulative fatigue to the tendons affiliated in...
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    My fitness goal: be able carry my 130 lbs partner from the couch to the bed without waking her up. How to achieve?

    @whatgoeshere Can you Zercher-carry 3x45 pound plates (135lbs)? Start with one, then two. Or maybe three 35 lb bumper plates, this will give you a sense of how to do it.
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    @an8id The larger problem here is things often "seem" a certain way to some people, when they're not actually that way. You notwithstanding, many others still feel obligated or compelled to shout out baseless advice based on how things seem to them. Which is often erroneous and mis-perceived.
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    @an8id This is exactly why people should not opine from a place of feelings rather than facts. If by "arching" you mean "rounding", NO, it's not inherently more risky to pull rounded.
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    @blossoming Then the criticism can't be valid
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    how do you manage stress in ways that aren’t exercise??

    @porcelainrose Great! Also, punching a heavy bag doesn't have to be thought of as exercise/fitness, but it's another helluva great release too. Sometimes I also like to go into the woods and chuck rocks as far as I can, or go skip pebbles across a lake. Or just make a splash. It's weird how...
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    Bodyfat Analysis COMPARISON: FEMALE - 26/27 years old - 5'5 / 5'6 - From 156 to 137. Figure Competition Edition!

    @katzby23 Your back and shoulders are phenomenal! This is how you cut! I am impressed~
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    how do you manage stress in ways that aren’t exercise??

    @porcelainrose Bashing on a DRUM SET is insanely cathartic... Just 10 minutes feels like 60 minutes of therapy!
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    Results and training/diet info from my overall win at the 2017 INBF Carolina Naturals

    @pipedpiper Wow I had no idea. Thanks for your response. And good luck!
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    Results and training/diet info from my overall win at the 2017 INBF Carolina Naturals

    @pipedpiper What, how much is the cost for an average bikini competitor?
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    Do any of you just NOT have defined goals?

    @mayne70 I want to be vaguely yet clearly awesomer
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    Genetics and "Ease" of Staying Lean

    @lovelivelaugh You must realize some influencers lean out only once/twice per year, take a shit-ton of photos, and then release only those photos throughout the year. You must also realize some people have more of a hard-on to stay as lean as possible year-round, while others don't mind getting...
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    teen girl intimidated by mostly-male strength training class

    @jrsinct Skip the bicep curls and focus on large compounds first! Learn to squat, deadlift, bench, overhead press, row, and lat pull-down.
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    Turning 36 This Month: Still Setting PRs. 51 Second PR Pressing a 150lb Keg Over My Head 30 Times

    @iamasinkingship But the 30-rep range only builds endurance, not actual strength! And is this really functional? When will you ever need to actually do this? Anyways, cheers on the PR and the additional candle on that Paleo cake! (-;