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  1. E

    [25 F - Looking for help jumping back into WFPB diet and exercise routine] HELP CALCULATING PROTEIN AMOUNT! :D

    @hunter333 No problem at all! It sounds like you're on the right track. :) And it's not really a WFPB specific reason, it's just that more recently a lot of research has debunked the age-old claims that you "absolutely need" 1g of protein per pound of body weight to build muscle. You also don't...
  2. E

    [25 F - Looking for help jumping back into WFPB diet and exercise routine] HELP CALCULATING PROTEIN AMOUNT! :D

    @hunter333 Sorry to hear about the issues you've had recently ;-; I'd probably recommend you just eat at maintenance calories in the beginning as you're getting back into your routine and readjusting to it once again. Also, don't just jump right back full speed to the weights you were using...