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  1. F

    Need Feedback

    Most of it is Mark Wildman’s program with a tweak with a couple ideas taken from Funk Roberts. I haven’t worked up to TGUs so I add quarter TGU and rev lunges. The swings, goblets, C&P I will start at different weights and reps but work up to 10x20. Thanks
  2. F

    Need Feedback

    @premier3092 I just want to know if you think I am jumping the gun on anything
  3. F

    Need Feedback

    @premier3092 Thank you, 6’ 210. 33 waist. Any changes to program?
  4. F

    Need Feedback

    @ej13 I do want to get into club swings. Just want to master the basic KB exercises first.
  5. F

    Need Feedback

    @ej13 Thanks for the input. I see where you are coming from. Going off the reservation and going back to doing DB raises. Need to strengthen my rear delts. My shoulder was popping out. My Chiropractor helped correct that. Got the SmartWod app. Thank You for that, exactly what I was looking for.
  6. F

    Need Feedback

    @ej13 Thank you. I was looking for any EMOM app. I will look into smartWOD. Yes I noticed that Wildman does not do the 2H 1KB press or even the High Pull. I only have one KB for 30, 40 and 50 pounds. I do have two 20lbs KBs. My chiropractor recommended the 2H OHP. He felt it would be less...
  7. F

    Need Feedback

    New to Kettle Bells. Turning 57 next month and started using KBells after being discharged from the hospital for pneumonia last month. I progressed up to Deadlifts, Swings, Goblets and C&Ps. I use Mark Wildman as my KB guru and have been mostly following his progression. I am including Rev...