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  1. M

    Should i woekout twice with no sleep

    @froggiemom4 Get off the stimulants or get on your medication! You're manic, you think you're doing great but really it's clear for everyone that you're very unwell right noe. Seek help.
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    Am I just lazy or do I geniunely need to see a doctor?

    @dan87 Given your condition, I find it very strange and irresponsible that your school and parents would allow you to join P.E. class without the green light from your doctor. You absolutely need to see a doctor to confirm if you can engage in strenuous physical activity.
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    Why are my glutes so flat standing up?

    @marcusvef Posture, pelvic tilt, or genetics probably.
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    Former Athlete Current Couch Potato Beginning Again Question

    @docrich It sounds like it was just lactate flushing in the muscles. Build up more slowly. Make sure to hydrate well.