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  1. B

    Does anyone know of an accurate workout calorie calculator?

    @martin35 Oh also, what calculations have you used to check that against your size? That's exactly what OP is asking for and seeing as you've found it accurate for you, they might benefit from it :)
  2. B

    Does anyone know of an accurate workout calorie calculator?

    @brendaischristfollower No worries, thanks for the concern! It's definitely something I've worried about in the past, but I'm 21 so 209 isn't that high for me (especially when you look into max heart rates for running and realise that 220-age is actually very inaccurate) and low heart rate runs...
  3. B

    Does anyone know of an accurate workout calorie calculator?

    @martin35 That's fair, I'm 5'3 so on the taller end of petite and 40lbs overweight. I also have a weird HR - my resting is about 49 BPM, but I regularly hit 198 on every single run with an average of 185 and max of 209. I can only go based off of my own experience, and the studies that suggest...
  4. B

    Does anyone know of an accurate workout calorie calculator?

    @j77077 So there's actually a general rule of thumb when it comes to running/jogging that you burn around 100 calories a mile. Now if it's especially hot, or you run a hilly route, or you overweight, you can add a bit more to that (but not too much). It's actually about the same for walking...