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  1. B

    Is 3 hours in the gym too much?

    @asdtmr12 There is nothing wrong being at the gym for 3 hours, as long as it works for you. I personally like to be around an hour, but I do a light warm up and time my rests to be 90s between sets since I don't want to be there forever.
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    PPLUL Split.. Enough volume on all muscle groups?

    @onedayatatime549 Lower/Upper day - Maybe drop volume per muscle group but hit more muscle groups? 4 sets per group, then add 6 sets per group (3 + 3) in your PPL to give 10 working sets but more even distribution? Also reduces fatigue going with 1 day lower rest into second leg day. Lower 4x...
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    Can I still gain muscle with 0.45g/lb of protein?

    @jamesgray Track your calories, if you feel very full doing IF with higher protein it would be helpful to know where your calories are at so you can know if you are in a surplus, at maintenance, or in a deficit. Assuming you are trying to maintain a deficit (assuming why you are doing IF) to...
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    Creating/structuring a leg day

    @danielandthelion I say you are already on the right track and need less help than you think. Pick two exercises that stimulate a muscle group and plan 3-5 sets dependent on how much volume you are running. Just do what you like or what feels good for you, lots of people enjoy different exercise...
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    Is hitting a muscle group once every 7 days regarded as a "faulty" way to train?

    @sunflower39 Not "faulty", but perhaps "suboptimal". If you put all your working sets into one session for a body part, then you either aren't getting the optimal amount of sets per week for muscle growth or are doing too many sets in one session such that you are accumulating "junk volume"...
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    Feeling Stuck. What's wrong?

    @robingood If you used up your newbie gains, then went into an extended cut then it isn't super surprising that you didn't make huge gains during that period of time. Further, if you kept changing up your regime and routine, you might have fallen prey to being too focused on the program rather...