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  1. M

    Problem setting my macros

    @waverly Ok! I just want to keep my body fat down so I guess I'm more worried about eating too many carbs or bad fat than anything else.
  2. M

    Problem setting my macros

    @waverly Okay, sweet. I'll try something like that out. Thanks!
  3. M

    Problem setting my macros

    @waverly Great! What does your split (for macros) look like?
  4. M

    Problem setting my macros

    @jstailey Sounds great, thanks!
  5. M

    Problem setting my macros

    @jstailey Any range of how much of each to increase?
  6. M

    Problem setting my macros

    Ok here's the deal. I am 5'4", 130-135 (changes on a daily basis), 20 y.o. and I am in pretty good shape: I lost about 15-20 pounds of body fat over the past year and a half (with much help from you lovely ladies!) and now I'm training for the Tough Mudder, but I'm having a problem. I haven't...