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    I don't understand S&S strength standards

    @khohanguc why does his opinion matter to you? he doesnt know you and likely never will. why should you be able to do anything that is labeled "simple"? i mean, what is simple for one isnt for others. we're all different for a reason, regardless what society preaches. his opinion on "simple"...
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    I don't understand S&S strength standards

    @khohanguc the real question is - why do you care about S&S "standards"? why do you think what pavel says is the "standard"? i mean, train swings and getups all you want. be safe, train smart, and what happens happens. assigning value based on some guys opinion isnt worth it.
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    Is S&S really enough? Read mor for context. Im pretty new to this fitness thing

    @mr_loevinger Swings & getups are minimum & likely not enough for anything but getting better at swings & getups
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    Someone explain dfw to me like I’m 5

    @faithinmet I didnt miss anything. DFW is a programs of ladders. Dont be duped by Pavel's marketing
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    Someone explain dfw to me like I’m 5

    @eveyeve3362 It doesnt imply anything. Its just truth
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    Someone explain dfw to me like I’m 5

    @eveyeve3362 Going to have to eat better. Ladders arent magic
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    The Wolf

    @jwilson757 Thank for the link 🙏 serious load!
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    The Wolf

    @jwilson757 Is there vid of 2x44 snatches? Id love to see it! Its a goal of mine but yet to work up courage to even attempt. My best set with 40s is 10 but that extra 8kg...
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    Feeling after workout

    @tutrinhatpro Sounds like you need instruction
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    Feeling after workout

    @tutrinhatpro Its very light
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    Feeling after workout

    @tutrinhatpro Shouldnt feel much with that loading
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    Feeling after workout

    @tutrinhatpro Male or female?
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    What do you think about this barbell-inspired kettlebell hypertrophy plan?

    @jccarlos26serra As soon as you can swing well they should no longer be your main course. Keep doing them, but use as a supplement. That's my (unpopular) opinion
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    What do you think about this barbell-inspired kettlebell hypertrophy plan?

    @missguidedsheep I do far more ballistics than grinds. You tell me
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    What do you think about this barbell-inspired kettlebell hypertrophy plan?

    @missguidedsheep The only ballistics youve done are swings so you elimimate clean, snatch & jerk (because swings arent optimal for hypertrophy)? Youre avoiding the massive & unique bennefit of the KB - But what do i know? 🤷‍♂️