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  1. V

    A Year of Calisthenics and Powerlifting Progress (6'2", 200lbs, 19y/o - 3 years lifting, 1.5 specifically BWF Focused)

    @rea Thank you so very much!! Means a lot. Right now: Sunday - rest/walk Monday - Light upper and upper mobility Tuesday - 5/3/1 Squat and lower mobility Wednesday - Medium upper and upper mobility Thursday - rest/walk Friday - Heavy upper and upper mobility Saturday - deadlift and lower...
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    A Year of Calisthenics and Powerlifting Progress (6'2", 200lbs, 19y/o - 3 years lifting, 1.5 specifically BWF Focused)

    @deborah123 Thanks /@deborah123!! Hope to provide some more good stuff a year from now :P. The straddle (and maybe full) front lever and advanced tuck Planche are going to be achieved this year.
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    A Year of Calisthenics and Powerlifting Progress (6'2", 200lbs, 19y/o - 3 years lifting, 1.5 specifically BWF Focused)

    @aywo 201∞ Just kidding. As soon as possible, that press negative was the 2nd or 3rd day back to training handstands after 2 months off because of the wrist and I had kinda lost the muscle memory I got for proper head position. I'm working on it, lost it in that hold though obviously.
  4. V

    [Progress] M - 22 - 6’2”/188cm - 221lbs/100kg — Progressing barbell strength and calisthenics (205kg x5 deadlift and 2 reps of free HeSPU)

    @blezzed Yep, just if I pass out. Almost never happens but once I’ve had my belt too tight and when I popped it off I almost did - spooky stuff. I’m not prone to it, but a friend of mine who is much bigger and stronger passed out on a max set and he had a minor quad tear by falling funny.
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    A Year of Calisthenics and Powerlifting Progress (6'2", 200lbs, 19y/o - 3 years lifting, 1.5 specifically BWF Focused)

    @yentlwoman Thanks man, appreciate it. It does. I like going down and doing rep work to work on form for a month or two. Have done that once and came back so much stronger.
  6. V

    A Year of Calisthenics and Powerlifting Progress (6'2", 200lbs, 19y/o - 3 years lifting, 1.5 specifically BWF Focused)

    @yentlwoman Thank you very much! I'm working on both of those things in each movement. Trying some new deadlift cues and strengthening my quads so my hips don't rise in the squat.
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    A Year of Calisthenics and Powerlifting Progress (6'2", 200lbs, 19y/o - 3 years lifting, 1.5 specifically BWF Focused)

    @aywo I'll pick it up sometime soon, cleans still aggravate my wrist slightly so mostly snatching. One thing I've done is a lot of hang snatches.
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    [Progress] M - 22 - 6’2”/188cm - 221lbs/100kg — Progressing barbell strength and calisthenics (205kg x5 deadlift and 2 reps of free HeSPU)

    @dawn16 My form isn’t perfect but knees over toes is not at all a problem. Thank you! My knees took much more shit and have more residual issues from being a baseball catcher as a kid. Third video here is probably my best squat set ever, technique wise:
  9. V

    A Year of Calisthenics and Powerlifting Progress (6'2", 200lbs, 19y/o - 3 years lifting, 1.5 specifically BWF Focused)

    @fromgenesistorevelation Thanks Antranik :D. I love the transition of that move, when the unfold is done it just looks and feels so smooth. Yeah, I think I picked the two best disciplines for upper and lower body strength. I'd like to do weightlifting at some point, but it would require a lot...
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    [Progress] M - 22 - 6’2”/188cm - 221lbs/100kg — Progressing barbell strength and calisthenics (205kg x5 deadlift and 2 reps of free HeSPU)

    @avatar29 What the comments say - not only is it not dangerous, it would be more risky for shoulders to not arch. The spine isn’t being loaded by the bar like this, all the load going through it is generated by my legs with leg drive. It’s very productive and not dangerous.
  11. V

    How I Got A Free Handstand Pushup In 1 Year: The 4 Steps Anyone Can Take To Build An Excellent Foundation

    @jesiah Fantastic guide. These are essentially the progressions I used to get 2 HSPU at a bodyweight of 223lbs/101kg. Manipulating tempo and using higher reps is very underrated.
  12. V

    A Year of Calisthenics and Powerlifting Progress (6'2", 200lbs, 19y/o - 3 years lifting, 1.5 specifically BWF Focused)

    So first, I made a progress video covering the past year from the end of last year to now. Here's the video: Brief synopsis: Bodyweight: 180 to 200lbs Handstand: 5s to 32s Front-lever: 10s open tuck to a 10s 1-leg extended max hold Back-lever: 2s straddle to a 10s straddle and about 5s...
  13. V

    [Progress] M - 22 - 6’2”/188cm - 221lbs/100kg — Progressing barbell strength and calisthenics (205kg x5 deadlift and 2 reps of free HeSPU)

    @jens123 It is tough. You have to take the best of what each gives you. Obviously, from powerlifting, all your leg work should be barbells except maybe some single leg accessory work (lunges, single leg RDLs). Bench should be included for your horizontal pressing too if you are serious about...
  14. V

    [Progress] M - 22 - 6’2”/188cm - 221lbs/100kg — Progressing barbell strength and calisthenics (205kg x5 deadlift and 2 reps of free HeSPU)

    @maymcflurry Not really, I gave OHP for most of this program. At the end of a full pressing session I was able to strict press my old max (175lbs) for a very easy single. Made me think my fresh max may be 190lbs. So around 80-85% bodyweight to get a bent-arm press.
  15. V

    [Progress] M - 22 - 6’2”/188cm - 221lbs/100kg — Progressing barbell strength and calisthenics (205kg x5 deadlift and 2 reps of free HeSPU)

    @cagbo What the other person said - may be some sort of mobility issue, but in all likelihood it’s just how you squat. Many fine squatters have a more folded/leaned forward squat - it’s just how it is. If you just progress smartly your weaknesses will adapt.