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  1. J

    Mod Announcement

    @jasonguy Yeah I do notice a lot more user posts with good discussions going than when I originally raised my complaints. :)
  2. J

    Mod Announcement

    @acer621 I'm the creator of the original thread and I'm very surprised and intrigued by this decision! I'm definitely super curious to see how September goes down. It's an interesting tactic for the mods to (almost) entirely step back for the month. I fully expect a lot of low-effort posts to...
  3. J

    Has anyone had a silly “lightbulb” moment while exercising?

    @jesse79 I find it helpful to pretend you're pulling the floor apart with your feet (with your front foot pushing forward and back foot pushing backwards), that seems to help with stabilising and adding more tension to your legs. Then I make sure I'm lowering straight down, not leaning...
  4. J

    Has anyone had a silly “lightbulb” moment while exercising?

    @dawn16 I used to only feel lunges in my quads and knees, now that my form is better I feel it mostly in my glutes! Which is great because I'm quad-dominate and want to strengthen glutes more.
  5. J

    Does anybody else have a certain weight that they get stuck on and it's so hard to break below? How do I get past it?

    @dawn16 Here's a really good article that explains it: Basically, being in a prolonged calorie deficit stresses your body out, thus raising the hormone cortisol. Cortisol causes water retention. When you have a big feast, your body stops freaking out...
  6. J

    What's something you wish you started doing sooner/knew earlier in your fitness journey?

    @colwyn Warm up properly Focus on achieving perfect form and smooth control before increasing weight Be gentle with your lower back and focus on core movements that don't irritate it Stretching is important Long story short, I tend to overdo it and injure myself because I'm impatient.
  7. J

    Walkers in the house!!!!

    @kingjamesversionbibleonly I'm a seasonal walker. When the weather is above 10C, I usually walk for about an hour a day. I love listening to audiobooks as I walk, I can't seem to concentrate on them otherwise. When I'm in a good daily walking groove, I notice these benefits: Less lower back...