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  1. T

    [Meet Report] USPA National Powerlifting Championships 2017 - July 7 2017 - 325kg/717lb @ 59kg/130lb | 367.09 Wilks | F26 | Raw

    @ukjk Yeah breaking the floor with sumo is a bitch, I have just learned to be patient with it. I really want to hit a 350 deadlift at my next comp, probably ambitious since my 1rm is 320 from comp a few months ago. Lol I tried to test deadlift max a week after my last comp and struggled to get...
  2. T

    [Meet Report] USPA National Powerlifting Championships 2017 - July 7 2017 - 325kg/717lb @ 59kg/130lb | 367.09 Wilks | F26 | Raw

    @ukjk Hey! Love meet reports:) what did you have in mind for your 3rd attempt on deadlifts if the second attempt had gone to plan? Looking to hit similar numbers for my meet in august at the same bodyweight :p
  3. T

    Bodyfat Analysis COMPARISON: FEMALE - 26/27 years old - 5'5 / 5'6 - From 156 to 137. Figure Competition Edition!

    @dawn16 These charts are particularly accurate, definitely less that 20% I'd say the lighting in the latest pics didn't do her justice, but she is very vascular, ab veins and all. My guess would be 13%-15%