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  1. W

    2000m row 7 minutes

    @upsilon310 I believe for my weight and age I had to get a 7:51. Sub 7 is a huge goal but man, it might take awhile to get there
  2. W

    2000m row 7 minutes

    @upsilon310 I was able to lose about 50lbs and get a 7:32 a couple weeks ago and pass the test. My biggest obstacle was form and breathing, but I finally got it down
  3. W

    2000m row 7 minutes

    @dawn16 Awesome. Thank you so much for you help! I’ll get there
  4. W

    2000m row 7 minutes

    @dawn16 Thank you! Money is tight unfortunately. Do you think just busting out 2k twice a day is the best way?
  5. W

    2000m row 7 minutes

    @dawn16 Thank you for your honesty. I’m assuming the retest will be sometime before Oct 30. I’ve shaved off 3 minutes, still not good enough lol, but I’m hoping a month of going at it hard will decrease my time while also decreasing my weight so I have more time to complete the test.
  6. W

    2000m row 7 minutes

    @willfullyignorant Thank you!
  7. W

    2000m row 7 minutes

    Hello, I’m pretty new to working out. Started in August and trying to just get my body healthy, but all I’ve really done is lost 30lbs (300lbs->270lbs). I was recently offered a dream job, but I have to complete a 2000m row in around 7 minutes for my weight. I’ve never rowed before, but...