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  1. J

    1H jerk numbers vs 2H jerk numbers

    @togetherinchrist You may have been using underscores (_) in your text for something that Reddit has turned them into italics. Or perhaps *'s?
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    Loaded Standing Back Extension - makes sense or insane?

    @rynsey I get that sometimes you just don't want to get on the floor, or you have knee isuees or whatever the reason might be. The problem with standing vs quadruped&co is that you cannot change the direction of gravity. It becomes a different exercise. Not necessarily bad or useless, but...
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    Kettlebells and longevity

    @topekole Interesting. I would definitely like to know more about the circumstances about the training that lead to injuries. Maybe it is different being outside RKC/SFG. Because what I read and hear from their training materials is about watching out for yourself, using common sense, using...
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    How to track progress?

    @ivymeow That's ultimately how you know if the load is too much for you (or your (lack of) recovery with all the other things in life makes it too much for you).
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    Enter the kettlebell

    @roboryan Just run the ladders again with a 16. Starting with 5 rungs. You probably need to eat more.
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    3-Day Beginner Single Kettlebell + Bodyweight Workout - Thoughts?

    @gracemercy Beginners should not make their own programs if they just want to get going. Making your own program is educational though, but priorities should be considered. It looks like a pretty regular kind of gym program. You don't take advantage of any lifts that the kettlebells are really...
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    How to track progress?

    @ivymeow Trying to track weekly progress is like trying to track weight loss progress by going on the scale every day. It's not going to be going in the direction you want all the time. If you are following a well defined program, trust it and test at the end. Or just write down how a session...
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    Double kettlebell front squat 40kg 7 reps 2 sets at almost 54 yr old

    @bernard05 It's a good start! I would recommend more sets and then increasing the number of reps, staying away from failure. Starting with 5 sets with the number of reps you can use to get all 5 sets done. Then reps as it feels better until you can do 5x10, and then maybe dropping reps back to...
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    Loaded Standing Back Extension - makes sense or insane?

    @rynsey Based on the video it seems like an antidote (or a quick relief) for slouching. And to not slouch, all you have to do is not fall over. Core stabiity. The standing version is mainly an ab excercise as your back muscles don't bring your shoulders back on top of your hips. So the opposite...
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    Loaded Standing Back Extension - makes sense or insane?

    @rynsey What's the goal of floor back extensions? What do you want from them? Core strength? Strength for back extensions?
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    Loaded Standing Back Extension - makes sense or insane?

    @rynsey What's the goal? How does that help in life?
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    First day of Q&D

    @ginger18 I assume the instructions say you must stop the moment you lose explosiveness. And that's for a reason. Why not? This is how you do S&S too.
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    Kettlebells and longevity

    @topekole What are you basing these claims on? A lot of the so called original RKC people have trained a lot of things, and several had plenty of injuries from that part of their life. And several, like Mark, said that kettlebell training made life better. Claiming that kettlebells caused the...
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    “Kentucky Burpee”

    @mgunn0103 Okay. It just reads more like a DM or perhaps something for the discussion thread.
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    How do you keep your dick n balls secure?

    @mechibo When doing one handed swings, turn the bell so that the handle isn't horizontal. Otherwise it's about maneuvering properly and waiting just a bit before swinging again.
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    Looking for a cardio exercise like swimming the backstroke (x-post /r/bodyweightfitness)

    @qtpie71 With cables or bands you might be able to do a similar behind the back pull. Not with kettlebells and probably not with bodyweight either. Pulls tend to need equipment and external attachments. Lats are probably the major player, but just feeling it out, there's probably some scapular...
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    “Kentucky Burpee”

    @mgunn0103 What are you referring to? Was there supposed to be video? (Because you can't post both text and video--you'd need to add the text as a comment later).
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    Only kettlebells vs. kettlebells and barbell Training g

    @pstevens What is a high level of strength? Many strong people have trained with a lot of tools. It's difficult to find such tool centric dedication. Same issue applies if trying to find a very muscular kettlebell user. And even more difficult if limiting selection to just /r/kettlebell...
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    Second Run of DFW

    @den12 Okay sure, one may need to train a bit to get to 5 RM first. For me squat was never an issue apart from not being taxed as much as they should be when limited by press strength but yeah, it definitely can go either way.
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    Rite of Passage with low ceiling?

    @alioboube What you can do and what you should are different things. Part of ROP is the rest you get from pressing by recleaning.